//Menu Deslizable Dinamico //M??s c??digos y Scripts en HTML.Dynamico - www.htmldynamico.cjb.net /* Configure el estilo del menu NOTA: Para editar el color de los links, modifique en el STYLE tags y edite el ssm2Items colors */ YOffset=0; // no quotes!! XOffset=0; staticYOffset=10; // no quotes!! slideSpeed=10 // no quotes!! waitTime=100; // no quotes!! this sets the time the menu stays out for after the mouse goes off it. menuBGColor="red"; // No vi efecto menuIsStatic="yes"; //this sets whether menu should stay static on the screen menuWidth=150; // Tiene que ser multiplo de 10! no quotes!! menuCols=2; hdrFontFamily="verdana"; // Titulos divisores hdrFontSize="1"; // Titulos divisores hdrFontColor="#feffff"; // Titulos divisores hdrBGColor="#588b9e"; // Titulos divisores hdrAlign="left"; // Titulos divisores hdrVAlign="center"; // Titulos divisores hdrHeight="15"; // Titulos divisores linkFontFamily="Verdana"; linkFontSize="1"; linkBGColor="#93b5bf"; // Color de fondo de las opciones en modo pasivo linkOverBGColor="#a8c5cd"; // Color de fondo de las opciones en modo resaltado linkTarget="_top"; linkAlign="Left"; barBGColor="#588b9e"; // Color de fondo de la barra lateral barFontFamily="Verdana"; barFontSize="1"; barFontColor="#feffff"; barVAlign="center"; barWidth=20; // no quotes!! // barText="MENU"; // tag supported. Put exact html for an image to show. /////////////////////////// NS6 = (document.getElementById&&!document.all) IE = (document.all) NS = (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") tempBar='';barBuilt=0;ssmItems=new Array(); moving=setTimeout('null',1) function moveOut() { if ((NS6||NS)&&parseInt(ssm.left)<0 || IE && ssm.pixelLeft<0) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveOut()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}}; function moveBack() {clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', waitTime)} function moveBack1() { if ((NS6||NS) && parseInt(ssm.left)>(-menuWidth) || IE && ssm.pixelLeft>(-menuWidth)) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(-10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}} function slideMenu(num){ if (IE) {ssm.pixelLeft += num;} if (NS||NS6) {ssm.left = parseInt(ssm.left)+num;} if (NS) {bssm.clip.right+=num;bssm2.clip.right+=num;}} function makeStatic() { if (NS||NS6) {winY = window.pageYOffset;} if (IE) {winY = document.body.scrollTop;} if (NS6||IE||NS) { if (winY!=lastY&&winY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - YOffset + staticYOffset);} else if (YOffset-staticYOffset+lastY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - (YOffset-(YOffset-winY)));} else {smooth=0} if(smooth > 0) smooth = Math.ceil(smooth); else smooth = Math.floor(smooth); if (IE) bssm.pixelTop+=smooth; if (NS6||NS) bssm.top=parseInt(bssm.top)+smooth lastY = lastY+smooth; setTimeout('makeStatic()', 1)}} function buildBar() { if(barText.indexOf('-1) {tempBar=barText} else{for (b=0;b"}} document.write('


')} function initSlide() { if (NS6){ssm=document.getElementById("thessm").style;bssm=document.getElementById("basessm").style; bssm.clip="rect(0 "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetWidth+" "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetHeight+" 0)";ssm.visibility="visible";} else if (IE) {ssm=document.all("thessm").style;bssm=document.all("basessm").style bssm.clip="rect(0 "+thessm.offsetWidth+" "+thessm.offsetHeight+" 0)";bssm.visibility = "visible";} else if (NS) {bssm=document.layers["basessm1"]; bssm2=bssm.document.layers["basessm2"];ssm=bssm2.document.layers["thessm"]; bssm2.clip.left=0;ssm.visibility = "show";} if (menuIsStatic=="yes") makeStatic();} function buildMenu() { if (IE||NS6) {document.write('')} if (NS) {document.write('')} theleft=-menuWidth;lastY=0;setTimeout('initSlide();', 1)} // ----------------------------------------------- function reloj(){ if (!document.layers&&!document.all&&!document.getElementById) return var Digital=new Date() var hours=Digital.getHours() var minutes=Digital.getMinutes() var seconds=Digital.getSeconds() var dn="AM" var dia=Digital.getDate() var mes=Digital.getMonth() + 1 var ano=Digital.getYear() if(ano<1000) ano+=1900 if (hours>12){ dn="PM" hours=hours-12 } if (hours==0) hours=12 if (minutes<=9) minutes="0"+minutes if (seconds<=9) seconds="0"+seconds //change font size here to your desire myclock=""+dia+"/"+mes+"/"+ano+"
"+hours+":"+minutes+" "+dn+"
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Otherwise use the element being // clicked on. if (id) dragObj.elNode = document.getElementById(id); else { if (browser.isIE) dragObj.elNode = window.event.srcElement; if (browser.isNS) dragObj.elNode = event.target; // If this is a text node, use its parent element. if (dragObj.elNode.nodeType == 3) dragObj.elNode = dragObj.elNode.parentNode; } // Get cursor position with respect to the page. if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } // Save starting positions of cursor and element. dragObj.cursorStartX = x; dragObj.cursorStartY = y; dragObj.elStartLeft = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); dragObj.elStartTop = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartLeft)) dragObj.elStartLeft = 0; if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartTop)) dragObj.elStartTop = 0; // Update element's z-index. dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = ++dragObj.zIndex; // Capture mousemove and mouseup events on the page. if (browser.isIE) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", dragGo); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", dragStop); window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", dragGo, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", dragStop, true); event.preventDefault(); } } function dragGo(event) { var x, y; // Get cursor position with respect to the page. if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } // Move drag element by the same amount the cursor has moved. dragObj.elNode.style.left = (dragObj.elStartLeft + x - dragObj.cursorStartX) + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.top = (dragObj.elStartTop + y - dragObj.cursorStartY) + "px"; if (browser.isIE) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) event.preventDefault(); } function dragStop(event) { // Stop capturing mousemove and mouseup events. if (browser.isIE) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", dragGo); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", dragStop); } if (browser.isNS) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", dragGo, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", dragStop, true); } } function setDispatch(dispatchMethod) { document.forms[0].dispatch.value = dispatchMethod; } function showFilterParameters(form) { if (form.filterOptionSel.value == 0) { document.getElementById('filterParameters').style.visibility='hidden'; } else { document.getElementById('filterParameters').style.visibility='visible'; form.filterValue.focus(); } } function openPopUp(path) { window.open(path, '', 'toolbar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=0,left=0,width=0,height=0') } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // hasOptions(obj) // Utility function to determine if a select object has an options array // ------------------------------------------------------------------- function hasOptions(obj) { if (obj != null && obj.options != null) { return true; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // sortSelect(select_object) // Pass this function a SELECT object and the options will be sorted // by their text (display) values // ------------------------------------------------------------------- function sortSelect(obj) { var o = new Array(); if (!hasOptions(obj)) { return; } for (var i=0; i (b.text + "")) { return 1; } return 0; } ); for (var i=0; i